Party Safety Campaign
/Shay-fe-nek/ is the Arabic word for “We See You”. Shayfenek, a female-based collective, is dedicated to ensuring that underground party venues remain free from incidents of sexual harassment and gender-based violence. The primary goal of Shayfenek is to establish environments where women can relax, have fun, and express themselves without the constant worry of facing unwelcome sexual advances. By fostering safe spaces, Shayfenek is actively promoting equality and respect within nightlife settings.
The main notions of female autonomy and sovereignty were key in creating a visual identity and overall feel to the campaign.
The collective functions exclusively in underground parties, with female volunteers and visual guides on premises to ensure safety and facilitate harassment reporting. Using party venue spaces and creating visual nudges to prompt an active bystander behaviour and instil confidence and assurance in female party-goers that they are seen, heard and supported.